Register and publish EPD

  • STEP 01

    Select Product Category Rules (PCR)

    Select the Product Category Rules (PCR) appropriate for your product type.

    PCR Library
  • STEP 02

    LCA/EPD software decision

    Determine which LCA/EPD software is right for your product type.

  • STEP 03

    Conducting LCA studies

    Perform life cycle assessment (LCA) by collecting data according to product category rules (PCR).

    Consulting agency list
  • STEP 04

    EPD report development

    An EPD report is developed based on the LCA report containing the LCA results.

  • STEP 05

    EPD Verification

    LCA report and EPD report are submitted to perform verification by an independent verifier or certification body.

    List of independent verifiers

    List of certification bodies
  • STEP 06

    Register and publish EPD

    When verification is completed by an independent verifier or certification body, EPD South Korea will register and post the final verified EPD through the EPD Portal.

    EPD Library